
Does the proliferation of online courses undercut the "diversity" rationale?

November 01, 2012 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

It appears as if the Univerisity of Texas is significantly increasing its offering of online courses.  These will be availble to students throughout the world.  But, doesn’t this further undercut the University’s purported interest in attaining the benefits that flow from a diverse student body?  How can a university student achieve ...


Debating FEMA’s approach to disaster relief


This week the nation watched as Hurricane Sandy devastated many areas on the East Coast and the Caribbean. With affected regions beginning recovery, U.S. News has an interesting debate on the federal government’s role in responding to these crises. Scholars from the Cato Institute, the Mercatus Center, and the Heritage Foundation offer their ...


President's weekly report — November 2, 2012

November 02, 2012 | By ROB RIVETT

We’ve been hard at work this week defending property rights and economic liberty against excess government.  A few of this week’s highlights are below: Environment — Endangered Species Act (Flying squirrels) In Friends of Blackwater v. Salazar, the “Friends of Blackwater” sought to overturn decision by the United S ...


Man v. Wild!

November 05, 2012 | By REED HOPPER

The Wall Street Journal has one of the most fascinating articles I have ever read about the conflict between people and wildlife.  The article is written by Jim Sterba and entitled “America Gone Wild.”  To whet your appetite, here is an excerpt: “Welcome to the nature wars, in which Americans fight each other over too … ...


Before you put on that V for Vendetta mask…

November 05, 2012 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

The English holiday known as Guy Fawkes Day has become surprisingly fashionable in recent years—thanks largely to the success of the book and film V for Vendetta. In the Old Country, it’s become a harmless autumn festival of bonfires and apples, but the political edge that some people are giving to Guy Fawkes today, both … ...


Election day fun

November 06, 2012 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

Because of our 501(c)(3) status, we at PLF do not take positions on political issues.  Nevertheless, Conan O’Brien makes a pretty convincing argument on Proposition 53. Happy Election Day everyone. PLF will be back here tomorrow fighting for liberty regardless of who wins. … ...


Putting voting in proper perspective

November 06, 2012 | By CHRISTINA MARTIN

Sunday, I saw school children dressed in red, white, and blue, lining a sidewalk, holding patriotic signs that encouraged people to vote. The overwhelming sentiment was that voting is not only an American privilege, but an essential ingredient to freedom. While voting is a privilege, it can lead to the same sorts of excesses as … ...


What does Obama’s reelection mean for Obamacare?

November 07, 2012 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

Republican candidate Mitt Romney claimed that his first act as president would have been to repeal Obamacare, but that was always at best an unrealistic aspiration, particularly for a candidate who more or less invented Obamacare. A more likely outcome would have been some moderate tweaking with the basic structure of the PPACA. True, one … ...


PLF in court fighting against San Francisco’s racial preferences

November 07, 2012 | By RALPH KASARDA

On November 16, in San Francisco County Superior Court, department 302, at 9:30 a.m., the court will hear oral argument on the cross-motions for summary judgment in the case called Coral Construction v. City and County of San Francisco.  At the hearing, attorneys for San Francisco will make an argument that no court has ever accepted, … ...