This article originally appeared in National Review. Racial balancing in competitive high school admissions is heading back to the Supreme Court. Just months after the Court declined to take up a parent group’s challenge to the admissions overhaul at then-top-ranked Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology (TJ) in Fairfax, Vi ...
Pacific Legal Foundation’s 2023 Supreme Court victory in Tyler v. Hennepin County changed lives—and is now being recognized for advancing freedom and human progress in America. For years, local governments across the country manipulated tax forfeiture laws to steal from vulnerable Americans—most of them ill, elderly, jobless, immigra ...
In 2020, the Michigan Supreme Court affirmed that it was unconstitutional for counties to keep more than they’re owed when collecting property taxes through the foreclosure process. But that wasn’t necessarily the end of struggle for Michiganders. For some homeowners, the struggle to recover the just compensation they are owed is still ...
Here’s a bizarre piece of American trivia: From 1887 to 1950, the U.S. government banned the word “tornado” from weather forecasts. Warning the public about possible tornadoes would cause panic, officials said. It was better to avoid the word altogether. The ban applied to all weather forecasters in the government, but there was ...
It all began in 2013, when investment adviser George Jarkesy was accused by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of securities fraud. But instead of proving its case against Jarkesy to an independent judge and jury, SEC lawyers turned to an SEC tribunal and an SEC-employed administrative law judge to prosecute the defendant. When that R ...
James and Dominick Russo are fishermen who earn their living off the Florida coast. But their livelihood is in jeopardy. James and Dominick have worked in the commercial fishing industry most of their lives. James, the older brother, has more than 30 years of experience under his belt. During the pandemic, the brothers moved to … ...
In the first chapter of Yuval Levin’s new book, American Covenant, he describes the U.S. Constitution as “a terse patchwork of compromises.” Not a promising start, for the United States or for this reader, who has devoted a good amount of time to thinking about and debating the meaning of that patchwork. But American … ...
Writing in The Dallas Morning News, Pacific Legal Foundation attorneys Luke Wake and Frank Garrison discuss the case of Robert Mayfield (which Luke argued at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Court earlier this month). From Luke and Frank’s op-ed: As the owner of 13 Dairy Queen franchises in and around … ...
Two Pacific Legal Foundation clients have reason to celebrate this week as the Nebraska Supreme Court ruled that Kevin Fair and Sandra Nieveen must be compensated for the equity the government took from them via home equity theft. This victory comes more than a year after Pacific Legal Foundation secured a unanimous victory at the … ...