Camp Bullis update


Last week, Aquifer Guardians in Urban Areas dropped its Endangered Species Act lawsuit against INTCO Dominion Partnership, a developer, in light of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's decision to monitor INTCO's construction.  Apparently, as WOAI reported yesterday, AGUA has now decided that FWS's presence is not enough to ensure ESA compliance and has filed a has filed a 60-day notice letter notifying INTCO of its intent to sue.  According to AGUA president Enrique Valdivia,

the notice letter is intended to make sure the environmental groups have an option to sue if the negotiations don't do enough to protect the species.

"It is out desire that the Fish and Wildlife Service and INTCO take immediate action to halt any further take of endangered species and take step[s to remedy the destruction of habitat which has already occurred," he said.