NPR on Fisher


Author: Joshua Thompson

The lead story on NPR this morning concerns the Fisher case.  Followers of PLF will know that we have been heavily involved in this case for some time now.  Since the writ of certiorari was filed back on September 19, we have been working hard on crafting our amicus brief in support.  Here is a snippet from the NPR article:

But the makeup of the court has changed since justices heard that case, known as Grutter v. Bollinger. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who wrote the Grutter decision, has retired, replaced by the more conservative, anti-affirmative action Justice Samuel Alito. And the Texas policy barely survived in June when a bitterly divided Fifth Circuit Court panel refused to rehear a three-judge panel's earlier decision that upheld the university's position.

"The case is ripe for the Supreme Court," says Joshua Thompson of the Pacific Legal Foundation, which has argued that Texas is violating the Constitution because it has failed to prove that "race-neutral" admissions policies haven't achieved diversity at the flagship university.

"The Texas case has brought the Grutter decision back into the national consciousness," says Thompson, a lawyer in California.

For more information on Fisher you can check out this PLF video, our case page, this law review article I co-authored with Damien Schiff, or this article I wrote for Engage.