PLF making the multimedia rounds

February 07, 2018 | By MARK MILLER

Earlier this week, Locke Lord partner and expert land use attorney Clint Schumacher hosted me on his excellent Eminent Domain Podcast. We discussed several PLF cases, including Ganson v. City of Marathon, Marquette County Road Commission v. EPA, and Pacetta v. Town of Ponce Inlet. Clint also asked some questions about my favorite books, tv shows, and sayings, and he allowed me to share a story about my grandfather, who graduated NYU Law in the early 1920s and likely would have done better on at least one of my exams than I did 70 years later (despite the fact that he was at that point 91 years old and had not practiced law during his long career as a banker). You’ll have to listen to the podcast here to find out how that story goes.

I encourage you to subscribe to the podcast since Clint (that’s him in the photo to the left) knows his land use law and provides a great overview each week of the development of this important topic for all those who believe in liberty and property rights.

Also this week, the Florida Bar‘s monthly magazine, the aptly named Florida Bar Journal, published my review of Scalia  Speaks: Reflections on Law, Faith, and Life Well Lived. Ed Whelan and Christopher Scalia (Justice Scalia’s son) have curated a fine collection of some of Antonin Scalia’s most thoughtful speeches, on a variety of topics ranging from textualism/originalism, to patriotism, to what an Italian thinks of the Irish (the good Justice married an Irish woman and thus his views are, shall we say, informed by his bride). The speeches are at turns funny, insightful, thought provoking, and moving. You can read my review at this link.



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