PLF attorney Ethan Blevins accepts award on behalf of the Northwest office
On Saturday, Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) awarded PLF’s Pacific Northwest office with the McFarland Award. CAPR offers the award to those who have demonstrated an “unwavering dedication to, and relentless pursuit of, the preservation and restoration of property rights.”
PLF’s office near Seattle has a long history of championing property rights in the Pacific Northwest. A decade ago, PLF represented CAPR in a victorious challenge to a King County Ordinance that prohibited development on fifty percent of any lot in rural residential zones. Our current battles include Yim v. City of Seattle, challenging a Seattle ordinance prohibiting landlords from choosing their own tenants, and Olympic Stewardship Foundation v. GMHB, challenging huge shoreline buffers that stifle reasonable development.
This award comes at a poignant moment with the recent passing of Reed Hopper, a dedicated attorney in the Northwest office and a true friend to liberty. We thank CAPR for this honor and for their robust advocacy on behalf of freedom.