Yesterday, Townhall published my op-ed highlighting the importance of PLF's big, unanimous Supreme Court win in our Hawkes case (and its predecessor, Sackett) and whether these cases foreshadow anything for one of our cases currently pending before the Court. As regular readers know, the Supreme Court ruled in PLF's favor in Hawkes, holding that C ...
Strong public records laws give citizens access to the information they need to hold government accountable. PLF knows firsthand that public records can arm citizens with evidence of constitutional or statutory abuses, enabling them to make better decisions in court or in the voting booth. For this reason, all fifty states and the federal govern ...
The City of Phoenix and the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association (PLEA), the police officers' union, negotiated a contract whereby the city pays full salary and overtime for six full-time and 35 part-time employees who report to the union, and do the union's work. That's an estimated $900,000 of taxpayer money to subsidize 31,000 hours of "paid re ...