Last year, Iowa property owners earned a cool $9.3 million renting out their properties through the popular home-sharing service Airbnb. That's $9.3 million that helps the owners to pay mortgages on those properties, as well as other expenses like school tuition, groceries, and emergency savings. In addition, the 100,000 or so bookings raised ab ...
Last month, PLF filed an amicus brief supporting the Anderson family and their right to advertise and rent out their Nashville home via Airbnb. One of the issues addressed in the brief is Nashville's ban on signs that advertise a home's availability as a short-term rental. The Andersons wanted to place a small, temporary sign in their yard during a ...
With the rise of websites like Airbnb and VRBO, short-term rentals dramatically increase the opportunities for property-owners to supplement their income and retain flexibility with their homes. Unfortunately, last year, Nashville passed two ordinances that unconstitutionally regulate and restrict the ability of property-owners to rent their prope ...
It should come as no surprise that governments struggle to regulate the disruptive nature of the "sharing economy." Lately, this struggle has resulted in increasingly burdensome regulations on property owners renting their property short-term, and on the websites like Airbnb and VRBO that provide a platform to list those properties for rent. Two re ...
Businesses would often prefer to shut out new innovators through regulation than compete with them. For example, taxi companies across the globe clamor for government to regulate the ride-sharing services of Uber and Lyft. These anti-competitive urges hurt economic growth and constrict liberty. This process is playing out today in New York City, ...