
PLF and CEO model brief on racial contracting preferences

November 07, 2017 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

About seven years ago, then PLF attorney Sharon Browne co-drafted a model brief with Roger Clegg of the Center for Equal Opportunity. The model brief is intended to be used by attorneys looking to challenge government policies that require race-based contracting preferences. In the two decades since the Supreme Court last ruled on the constitutiona ...


Racial preferences in the Big Sky State

May 12, 2015 | By RALPH KASARDA

Attorneys for PLF filed a brief in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the case Mountain West Holding Company v. Montana.  The case concerns a contractor's challenge against Montana's use of racial preferences on highway construction contracts from 2012-2014.  The contractor submitted the lowest bids on state contracts during that time, but th ...


Public contracting should be based on transparency, not race

March 31, 2015 | By RALPH KASARDA

Last week's unfortunate ruling by a federal judge tossing out a case against government discrimination shows just how entrenched racial preferences have become.  In Midwest Fence v. United States Department of Transportation, a small guard rail installation subcontractor submitted the lowest bids on multiple highway construction contracts in Il ...


Will Oregon’s statistical study justify state-sponsored race discrimination?

March 10, 2015 | By RALPH KASARDA

The last time the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) asked highway construction contractors to comment on its race-conscious affirmative action contracting program, the response was uniform condemnation.  Male and female general contractors and subcontractors of all races criticized ODOT's program, which encouraged general contractors to ...


Illinois politicians impose a "corruption tax"

August 27, 2014 | By RALPH KASARDA

It has been said that Illinois is plagued by unbridled corruption.  Almost 90 percent of Illinois voters agree.  After all, four of the past seven Illinois governors have been convicted and sentenced to prison.  So who pays for the numerous criminal dealings of crooked politicians?  Taxpayers.  One recent study estimates that the cost of unnec ...


The social injustice of government race-based contracting programs

August 13, 2014 | By RALPH KASARDA

PLF attorneys are filing a brief in support of Midwest Fence Corporation in its "David versus Goliath" legal challenge against race-based public contracting programs in Illinois.  Both federal and state programs are at issue, and Midwest Fence had to sue several state and federal agencies to try to save their business.  Here is PLF's brief in Mi ...


Ninth Circuit : Caltrans can continue its multiracial discrimination

April 17, 2013 | By RALPH KASARDA

The disappointing decision by the Ninth Circuit yesterday in AGC San Diego v California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) means that Caltrans can continue its policy of multiracial discrimination. Caltrans imposes a one-size-fits-all racial preference on all federally assisted transportation construction and engineering contracts statewide. ...


California high speed rail collides with the Constitution

April 12, 2013 | By RALPH KASARDA

Will discriminatory contract requirements derail the California high speed rail?  In June, the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) is expected to award its first ever contract for the design and construction of a segment of California's high speed rail line.  The contract will cover portions of Madera and Fresno counties.  Unfortunatel ...


Robbing Sanjay to pay Xuan

March 22, 2013 | By RALPH KASARDA

Useful innocent? Useful idiot?  No, just uninformed.  At least that appears to be the explanation for a contractor who expressed delight with a court ruling that allows the government to continue its racial discrimination . . . against him. In 2011, a federal district court judge for the Eastern District of California upheld a California De ...