It seems that some governments and courts prefer to treat Supreme Court precedent as an option, rather than a requirement. The Supreme Court has ruled—twice—that it's unconstitutional for government to charge permitting fees when the fees have nothing to do with the reason for the permit. Yet some courts continue to ignore the Constitution. Pe ...
Today, the Seattle Journal of Environmental Law published my article, Are Critical Area Buffers Unconstitutional? Demystifying The Doctrine of Unconstitutional Conditions. Although the article focuses on developments in Washington state law, it contains arguments relevant to property rights practitioners elsewhere. For example, the article explains ...
San Juan County's scheme to force shoreline property owners into dedicating water treatment buffers is now pending on a certiorari petition with the U.S. Supreme Court in the case, Common Sense Alliance v. San Juan County. As you may recall, in order to address a Washington state statute requiring that cities and counties adopt measures to protect ...
On June 2, 2015, Division I of the Washington State Court of Appeals is set to hear oral argument in the first state case seeking to limit government's ability to coerce property from land use applicants since PLF's landmark victory in Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Mgmt. Dist. (2013). The case, Common Sense Alliance v. Growth Management Hearings ...
Yesterday, PLF attorneys filed an amicus brief in support of San Juan County's shoreline property owners in the case, Common Sense Alliance v. Growth Management Hearings Board. At issue is San Juan County's update to its critical areas ordinance, which, in part, conditions approval of any new development of a shoreline property upon the dedication ...
Since the U.S. Supreme Court decided Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Management District last year, I have been on a speaking tour with a prominent government attorney, discussing the case's impact on Washington law. One important point on which we both agreed was that Koontz clarified that an unlawful exactions case falls within the doctrine of un ...
The Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission is currently in the process of adopting General Plan 2035. Like Obamacare, General Plan 2035 checks in at a whopping 900 pages. It seeks to reshape the county through mandates including: expanded transit districts, expanded mixed use development, mandatory farming districts, and "Employment Protec ...
Yesterday, the California First District Court of Appeal ruled against us in Powell v. County of Humboldt. This is the case challenging the County of Humboldt's requirement that our clients, Scott and Lynn Powell, dedicate a public airspace easement above their property in exchange for a building permit. The County insists they obtain this perm ...
Yesterday, the California Coastal Commission voted to amend the permit to renovate the Marshall Tavern, reducing project-killing conditions that had no connection to the renovation plan. PLF is representing the owners of Marshall Tavern, Daniel Altman and Avi Atid, in their constitutional challenge to the conditions imposed on their original perm ...