FREEDOM QUOTES QUIZ Choose who SAID these eloquent words with the powerful theme:NO to Big Government!1. "If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand." A. Calvin Coolidge B. Judge Ri ...
Attention 3Ls! Apply now for a post-grad litigation Fellowship with PLF at our Sacramento headquarters, starting in September, 2010. Applications are due at the end of this month, so don't delay! ...
Author: Steven Gieseler The New York Daily News offers this update on the controversial Atlantic Yards eminent domain project, aimed at taking private property to build a Brooklyn arena for the New Jersey Nets. ...
Author: Steven Gieseler Earlier this week, Fox News produced this report, and ran this story, on the case of Florida property owner Gilbert Fornatora. PLF attorneys, as lead counsel in the case, have petitioned the United States Supreme Court to hear Fornatora's appeal, which centers on three decades of gov ...
Author: R. S. Radford In the 2009 volume of the Supreme Court Economic Review, Vanderbilt professor James W. Ely, Jr., takes a look at political responses to the Supreme Court's horrendous decision in Kelo v. City of New London, and generally finds them lacking. Kelo, for those who may have slept through the past five years, was the case in which t ...
Author: Steven Gieseler That's the title of my column posted today on the American Thinker's website. The tactics in question are the subject of a petition to the United States Supreme Court, filed by PLF attorneys, seeking review of a particularly egregious federal abuse of the eminent domain power in South Florida. On ...
Author: Daniel Himebaugh Detroit, a city laden with economic troubles, might soon become a hotbed of eminent domain litigation. Later this month, Mayor Dave Bing is set to announce the city's plans for a massive demolition project, meant to address Detroit's shrinking population and deteriorating neighborhoods. City statistics are pr ...
Author: Daniel Himebaugh The city of Burien, Washington is in the news this week because its "Town Square" condo project has run into serious financial difficulty. While the reporting on Town Square's problems has highlighted slow sales, some vital details about the development are not being reported. The property where ...
Author: Brian T. Hodges They say that bad facts make bad law. Well, here's a doozy. Noel Proctor and Ford and Christina Huntington purchased neighboring parcels in Southern Washington. The Huntingtons unwittingly built their home approximately 400 feet onto Proctor's land. Proctor discovered the encroachment and unsucces ...