Author: Joshua Thompson Last week PLF filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court in Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization v. Winn. This case marks the first time the Supreme Court will rule on an Establishment Clause challenge to a school choice program since its landmark decision in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris. Arizona Christan Schoo ...
Author: Joshua Thompson As initially blogged about on Monday, the Supreme Court issued its decision in Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization v. Winn this week. And, upon closer inspection, my initial hesitation to claim a full victory for school choice proponents was not warranted. By narrowing the availability of taxpaye ...
A proposed rule in Montana is threatening to geld the state's fledgling school choice law. Montana passed a scholarship tax credit law earlier this year. The program offers tax credits for donors who contribute to the program. The money goes to student scholarship organizations, which provide tuition assistance for students who want to attend a p ...
Last week, PLF urged a federal court to freeze a Montana rule that forbids privately donated tuition assistance to kids attending religious schools while the court considers the constitutionality of this bald discrimination. Montana's scholarship tax-credit program offers income tax credits for any who donate funds to help Montana kids afford ...