
PLF opposes government effort to dismiss Duarte Nursery retaliation appeal

August 26, 2016 | By TONY FRANCOIS

We previously reported our appeal to the Ninth Circuit in the Duarte Nursery case. Today’s update is that the Justice Department has asked the Ninth Circuit to dismiss the appeal, which we oppose. This is part of the Corps of Engineers’ ongoing effort to avoid responsibility for its retaliation against Duarte Nursery’s exercise of ...


PLF asks the Supreme Court to protect First Amendment rights

October 05, 2016 | By WENCONG FA

America is a nation in which citizens can say what they think of politicians without retribution. Or at least that’s how it’s supposed to be. Bob Bennie, recognized by Barron’s Magazine as one of the most successful financial advisors in the nation, was an activist in the local tea party in Lincoln, Nebraska. A prominent Nebraska ...


Can a city threaten to remove police protection from you for voting to repeal a tax?

March 24, 2017 | By TONY FRANCOIS

Police protection and other city services in California are funded in part by property taxes. But in a state where public employee salaries and pensions are hard to keep up with, some cities can’t live within the means which property taxes provide them. So they look for creative ways to extract more taxes from their … ...