Author: J. David Breemer On June 18, the San Mateo Superior Court issued its Statement of Decision in Sterling v. California Coastal Commission. The case involves the CCC's attempt to require the Sterlings to actively farm or graze 140 acres of their land forever, and to deed an easement to this effect to the State, in return for permit to bui ...
When I posted about supporting farming on AgDay this week, I was thinking about the importance of protecting farmers' property rights. And maybe that legislatures should act to reduce the regulatory burdens farmers face. On the other hand, some members of the California legislature think that supporting farmers requires stripping them of their ...
California Assemlybill 823 (Eggman, D - Stockton) is the land grab bill that we have posted about here and here. It has been scheduled twice for a committee hearing, and twice the author has cancelled the hearing. This usually means that the author knows the bill will fail the committee vote absent an improved lobbying effort or amendments to g ...
California's Assembly Bill 823 has had a busy couple of weeks, culminating in a victory for property rights. After cancelling two scheduled hearings in the Assembly Natural Resources Committee, the author amended the bill last week. While the amendments were apparently aimed at reducing opposition to the bill, Pacific Legal Foundation's analysi ...