
Can government evade property rights protections by stalling?

October 09, 2015 | By CHRISTINA MARTIN

Yesterday, PLF filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the Second District Court of Appeal in GolfRock, LLC v. Lee County.  This case demonstrates what happens when courts fail to recognize that a  property rights claim is “ripe” (i.e., adequately developed for the court to determine the merits of the claim). The owners of GolfRock, LLC ...


Government evades property rights by stalling

July 07, 2017 | By CHRISTINA MARTIN

For an example of how impossible it can be for property owners to ripen (i.e., get a court to hear) a takings claim, look no further than the decision today in GolfRock, LLC v. Lee County.  Even when the government regulates away the use of your land, it can sometimes be very difficult to get courts … ...