Today, we filed the final paperwork asking the Supreme Court to take our lawsuit on behalf of Matt Sissel, which argues that the Individual Mandate "tax" is unconstitutional because it originated in the Senate, instead of the House of Representatives, as the Constitution commands. We filed our original petition in October, and after a month-long de ...
Todd Gaziano, Executive Director of PLF's DC Center, will join Rep. Trent Franks, Rep. Louie Gohmert, and Rep. Rob Bishop at a press conference tomorrow at 3:15pm EST in room H-137 of the U.S. Capitol. The press conference will announce the filing of an amicus brief by the Congressmen and 43 of their colleagues that urges the Supreme Court to hea ...
During the Thanksgiving holiday, several prominent members of Congress, ten state governments, as well as several national civil rights groups filed amicus curiae briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court urging the justices to hear our lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare. You'll recall that our case argues that if the Individual Mandat ...
As readers of this blog are aware, PLF is preparing to file a cert. petition on Monday asking the Supreme Court to hear our challenge to Obamacare, Sissel v. U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Servs., et al. Here are some FAQs about the case: Who is Matthew Sissel? Matthew Sissel is an artist, entrepreneur, decorated veteran, and member of the Wa ...
As is its tradition, the Supreme Court began its new Term on the first Monday in October. In the weeks leading up to that day, many organizations host "preview" events (especially in Washington, DC) with leading Supreme Court advocates and other legal experts to discuss the most important cases the Court has agreed to hear. The Supreme Court report ...
The Endangered Species & Wetlands Report has obtained the recording of the Monday's oral argument in the Utah prairie dog case. As you'll recall, this is the constitutional challenge to the federal government's authority to regulate any activity that affects any living thing under the Commerce Clause. As we argue, the Commerce Clause isn't an o ...
Obamacare remains a partisan issue. Although most Americans have never supported it, and still don't, supporters and opponents line up along predictable conservative/liberal lines. But the constitutional issues involved in Obamacare, not so much. Liberals have as much at stake in the Origination Clause question as conservatives do. The purpose o ...
Four D.C. Circuit Court Judges, led by Judge Brett Kavanaugh, dissented from their colleagues' decision not to reconsider their ruling against our Origination Clause challenge to Obamacare. Here's a quick summation. The Origination Clause says, "All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propo ...
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty once said, "it means just what I choose it to mean--neither more nor less." Congress lacks that luxury because the judiciary judges the meaning of its words. However, in a venomous New York Times article, Paul Krugman says that judges who try to rely on the plain language of Obamacare as it's written are ...