Earlier today, the Federalist Society published a close look at the legal issue the Supreme Court of the United States will consider later this month in Pacific Legal Foundation‘s Hawkes case. The piece, written by PLF principal attorney Damien Schiff and yours truly, is called U.S. Army Corps of Engineers v. Hawkes Co., Inc.: Wetlands Juri ...
Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen different amicus briefs, on behalf of well more than fifty organizations and individuals, including twenty-nine states, were filed today at the Supreme Court of the United States in support of Pacific Legal Foundation client Hawkes Company, Inc. Conversely, this is how many organizations and states filed amicus briefs s ...
Environment — Wetlands The government filed this opposition to our petition seeking Supreme Court review in Kent Recycling v. United States. That’s the case where we are arguing that a landowner should have the right to challenge a wetlands jurisdictional determination first, without having to spend potentially hundreds of thousands ...