When it comes to free speech rights, the Supreme Court typically applies the rule of "strict scrutiny," which holds that a government restriction on free speech is presumed unconstitutional, until the government proves otherwise. The reason is that, given the importance of freedom of speech, courts should "not presume acquiescence in the loss of fu ...
The Supreme Court today issued its decision in Knox v. SEIU, the union fees case in which PLF (joined by Cato, MSLF, and CCJ), filed this amicus brief. The case was about whether the union violated the law by requiring non-members to pay a special assessment to support a political campaign without first issuing the legal notice that informs non-mem ...
I spoke this morning with Armstrong & Getty about the Knox case, and about failed attempts to prevent the abuse of handicapped-access lawsuits. You can listen online here. ...
Happy Friday! Here are this week's legal highlights: Individual Rights – Free Speech We had a major Supreme Court amicus victory this week in Knox v. S.E.I.U. In a 7-2 knockout, the Court ruled that S.E.I.U.'s mid-year supplemental assessment of fees to be used exclusively for political purposes was unconstitutional. Each year, nonmembers a ...