Author: Ralph W. Kasarda Imagine if a state were to enforce a tax scheme that resulted in property owners paying different tax rates–not based on the value of their property–but on their race. Further imagine state courts rejecting a challenge to this discriminatory practice by refusing to consider the equal protection issue. Sound inconceivab ...
On Friday, December 9, 2011, the United States Supreme Court considered whether it should agree to accept certiorari in an important equal protection case from Hawaii. The issue in Corboy v. Louie, is whether the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits a state or municipality from creating tax exemptions that are available o ...
Our friends at the the Grassroots Institute secured a temporary injunction from from Justice Kennedy today, in their case challenging a race-based election in Hawaii. The case challenges an election process that only allows "native Hawaiians" to cast votes. "Native Hawaiians" is defined as anyone having native Hawaiian blood, so it is clearly b ...
Hot off the press. Last Friday, Justice Kennedy temporarily enjoined a race-based election in Hawaii, pending full review by the Supreme Court. Today, the full Court enjoined the election in a 5-4 decision. Ballot counting will now stop pending a review on the merits by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. ...