Today, PLF filed a complaint on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Property Owners (PETPO) challenging a federal regulation that prevents the residents of Cedar City, UT from protecting their community, and their private property, from a rodent. The rodent in question is the Utah prairie dog, which the federal government lists as a thr ...
As we reported yesterday, People for the Ethical Treatment of Property Owners (PETPO) is challenging the federal government's authority to prevent their community from protecting their local cemetery, their public parks, and their private property from the Utah prairie dog. The case has garnered some good press over the last two days, including c ...
The Deseret News has dueling op-eds from Dave Miller, an Iron County Commissioner, and Noreen Walsh, a Regional Director at Fish and Wildlife Service, on the impacts of the federal Utah prairie dog regulations on the people of Utah. As readers know, PLF is representing People for the Ethical Treatment of Property Owners (PETPO), a group of Utah r ...
Yesterday, PLF filed a motion for summary judgment on behalf of our clients, People for the Ethical Treatment of Property Owners (PETPO), in their case challenging federal regulation of the Utah prairie dog. As our motion explains, Congress, and the federal agencies to which it delegates power, is subject to judicially enforceable limits on its po ...
Tomorrow morning, I'll be on Fox and Friends discussing PLF and PETPO's victory over the federal government's unconstitutional regulation of private property to protect the Utah prairie dog. The segment will air at 7:50 am EST. UPDATE: This post has been changed to reflect the new time of the interview. ...
PLF's big win last week on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Property Owners, striking down an unconstitutional federal regulation that had devastating effects on a community---all to protect the Utah prairie dog---continues to garner media attention. Last Friday, I appeared on Fox & Friends to discuss the case. That interview is av ...
People for the Ethical Treatment of Property Owners is a group of Utah property owners and local government that pushed back against unconstitutional federal regulations that barred them from building homes, starting businesses, and, in the case of the local government, protecting an airport and cemetery from a thriving rodent population. As report ...
Fox Business Network's John Stossel devotes his program tonight (at 9pm Eastern) to the "Control Freaks" in government. I join Stossel to discuss PLF's recent victory in the prairie dog case, on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Property Owners, one of whom joins me. Regular readers will recall that federal bureaucrats acted very much l ...
If you missed last nights Stossel program's coverage of PLF's prairie dog victory, you can still catch it this Sunday at 10 pm EST on FoxNews. A clip is also available on the show's homepage. ...