A few months ago, I wrote about the Obama Administration’s announcement that it would apply disparate-impact theory to schools’ discipline policies. According to the Administration, a school presumably violates multiple federal laws if it punishes students of any particular race or gender at a disproportionate rate. … ...
While support for racial preferences is declining across all demographics, disparate-impact theory continues to grow. Attorney General Eric Holder recently reaffirmed the Obama Administration’s commitment to the doctrine when speaking at Morgan State University. If Americans are staunchly opposed to racial preferences, why does belief in disp ...
This last Sunday the Wall Street Journal published an excellent article written by Roger Clegg of the Center for Equal Opportunity, and John Sullivan of Croson Legal Services. The article marks the 25th anniversary of an important Supreme Court decision in City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co. In Croson, the Supreme Court held that … ...
At PLF, we believe that individuals have a constitutional right to equal treatment by their government regardless of their race, and we’re actively defending that right. Last year we took note when the Florida and Virginia state boards of education approved strategic plans that set different academic targets for different races. In order to g ...
Individuals should not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Most children learn that famous line from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech at an early age. Unfortunately, children in Florida public schools are going to learn a very different lesson by 2018. … ...
Today’s oral argument in BAMN v. Brown before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco presented a new challenge to California’s Proposition 209 (California Constitution Article I, Section 31), in which a group of minority plaintiffs are seeking to overturn Proposition 209 and reinstate racial preferences for university admi ...