Today, Forbes writer George Leef published an article on Brott v. United States, a case before the Supreme Court in which PLF participated as amicus. The Forbes piece discusses PLF's brief and urges the high court to review the unconstitutional practice of denying a jury to victims of federal land grabs. ...
Today, we filed an amicus brief, joined by our friends at Reason and American Civil Rights Union, urging the Supreme Court to grant Brott v. United States, a case about whether property owners are entitled to a jury when the federal government takes their land. If the federal government takes your property, who would you want to decide how much ...
Today is the anniversary of Marvin M. Brandt v. United States, more commonly known as the rails-to-trails case. In that case, PLF supported a property owner in a dispute over a proposed bicycle trail that would have split his land. The property owner argued that railroad right-of-ways are subject to the same common law rules as any other easeme ...
Earlier this month, I published a guest column about the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States with Jurist, an online journal run by the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. The article takes on critics who believe that judicial respect for private property rights will spell doom for public recreati ...
Property Rights -- Supreme Court Victory! The United States Supreme Court handed down an 8 - 1 victory in Brandt v. United States, a case brought and argued by our allies at Mountain States Legal Foundation. As explained more in our blog here and in our amicus brief, Brandt involved an attempt by the United States to redefine the common law d ...
Earlier today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in the "rails-to-trails" property rights case, Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States—a case in which PLF attorneys participated as an amicus curiae. By an 8-1 margin, the Court ruled in favor of the property owner, upholding one of the most important and fundamental policies of ...
Free Enterprise Project -- the Yogurt - Yoga - Work connection We filed this amicus brief in Moradi v. Marsh, where we are asking the California Supreme Court to take up the enigmatic work-to-yogurt-to-yoga connection. In this case an employee used her automobile for work related activities. At the end of her work day, she changed into her yo ...
Earlier today, PLF filed its amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court case, Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States. The case arises from the federal government's "Rails-to-Trails" program, which seeks to convert old, abandoned railroad tracks into recreational trails. As nice as that program may sound, there is a problem with it: many o ...
Economic Liberty -- Right to Earn a Living We filed our opening brief in the Ninth Circuit in Underwood v. Mackay, our challenge to the Nevada laws that establish a cartel of moving companies by forbidding new moving companies if they would compete against existing companies. As we explained in this blog post, the trial court dismissed Under ...