
Joe Robertson’s Clean Water Act case draws friends at Supreme Court

December 13, 2018 | By TONY FRANCOIS

This week six friend of the court briefs were filed asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear Joe Robertson's Clean Water Act case. Robertson, a 77-year-old Navy veteran in the small town of Basin, Montana, was unjustly convicted of Clean Water Act violations for digging firefighting ponds to protect his property. The prosecution turned on the defin ...


How to find out if the EPA’s ‘navigable waters’ regulations affect you

November 08, 2018 | By TONY FRANCOIS

In light of Joe Robertson's appeal of his Clean Water Act conviction to the U.S. Supreme Court, readers might be wondering if any foot-wide ditches on their property are also "navigable," as the EPA imaginatively re-interprets that word. As it turns out, the answer depends on what state you live in. Here's what you need to know: In 22 state ...


Joe Robertson retains PLF to take his case to the Supreme Court

July 27, 2018 | By TONY FRANCOIS

Pacific Legal Foundation is proud to have been asked by Joe Robertson, an elderly Navy veteran from Montana, to represent him in the Supreme Court of the United States, in his bid to overturn his conviction for violation of the Clean Water Act and damage to federal property. PLF will be asking the Supreme Court to review Joe's case after the Ninth ...