
Another vote for school choice

April 28, 2015 | By ETHAN BLEVINS

Imagine that your state creates a government-run grocery store chain because food is essential to survival. You don’t pay for your groceries, but your taxes skyrocket. The stores don’t need to compete for profit, so they don’t bother to win you over. Thus, the stench of slimy produce embraces you as you enter, and the milk ...


Montana residents : PLF is interested in sharing your stories on school choice

December 03, 2015 | By WENCONG FA

As readers of this blog know, PLF will be challenging Montana regulations that impede the ability of Montana parents to send their children to religious private schools. I was in Helena, Montana last month and testified that the regulations are inconsistent with legislative intent, and violate the United States Constitution. Now we want to h ...