Author: Joshua Thompson PLF filed a lawsuit today against a number of California agencies and officials including Governor Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Brown. The lawsuit alleges that the recently enacted Assembly Bill 21 (AB 21), grants preferences on the basis of race and sex in public contracting. You can read PLF' ...
Author: Joshua Thompson After nearly three years, the California Supreme Court has set a date for oral argument in Coral Construction v. City and County of San Francisco. The argument will be held May 4, 2010, at 9 pm in San Francisco. PLF Principal Attorney Sharon Browne will be arguing the case for the petitioners. This marks only the sec ...
Author: Joshua Thompson Last October Pacific Legal Foundation filed a writ of mandate directly in the court appeal challenging the constitutionality of Assembly Bill 21 (AB 21). AB 21 requires the state to grant race and sex based preferences for a number of different public building contracts. What makes this ...
Author: Joshua Thompson After oral argument today, the court entered judgment in favor of Petitioners Ward Connerly and American Civil Rights Foundation. This was the "AB 21" case where PLF challenged the constitutionality of several Public Contract Code statutes that granted preferences on the basis of race and sex. In 2001, PLF represented ...