
Anti-choice groups file lawsuit against New Hampshire school choice law

January 22, 2013 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

Last year, New Hampshire passed an exciting new school choice law.  The measure was so widely lauded that legislators overrode the governor's veto.  It is a tax credit plan that gives New Hampshire businesses a tax deduction if they donate to a school tuition organization.  Thus, instead of that business's tax money going into the state's gener ...


School Choice Week 2013 : An introduction

January 28, 2013 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

Yesterday marked the first day of School Choice Week 2013.  School choice is the remarkable idea that parents should have the freedom to choose where their children are educated. School choice rejects the idea of government run, one-size-fits-all, "Solidarity Forever" education. "School choice gives parents the freedom to choose a school based o ...


Learn free or die? the struggle for school choice in New Hampshire


Readers may recall that New Hampshire passed an important school choice tax credit scholarship program last year.  The law allows businesses to contribute money to scholarship programs for low-income students to attend the school of their choice (or even home school). Unfortunately, students in the state didn't have much time to celebrate before ...


PLF supports school choice in New Hampshire

April 05, 2013 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

We have previously reported on New Hampshire's Tax Credit Program -- New Hampshire's recently adopted school choice bill that gives less affluent families the opportunity to send their children to schools of their choice.  The New Hampshire Program is very similar to the Arizona plan that the United States Supreme Court held constitutional in Ariz ...


New Hampshire Supreme Court accepts tax credit case


Today is the final day of #Back2SchoolChoice Week and we have good news!  Those who have followed our blog throughout the week may recall that Joshua Thompson dedicated a post to tax credit scholarship programs.  He highlighted the Duncan v. New Hampshire tax credit case, in which Pacific Legal Foundation filed an amicus brief.  The lower court ...


New Hampshire businesses forced to take back money donated for school choice

February 04, 2014 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

Here is some very sad news out of New Hampshire.  As you recall, PLF has filed multiple briefs in New Hampshire, supporting that state's recently enacted tax credit program.  We represent the primary legislators that worked to pass one of the nation's premier school choice initiatives. The program allows businesses to donate up to $1000 to tuitio ...


School choice is not a left/right issue

May 13, 2014 | By JOSHUA THOMPSON

Florida Democrat Daphne Campbell has voted for school choice in her home state. Unsurprisingly , the Politburo state teachers' union is upset.  Ms. Campbell explains her decision -- and the reactions of several Apparatchiks union members  -- in an op-ed in the Miami Herald.  Here's a snippet: Never mind that it gives these children some legit ...


Montana residents : PLF is interested in sharing your stories on school choice

December 03, 2015 | By WENCONG FA

As readers of this blog know, PLF will be challenging Montana regulations that impede the ability of Montana parents to send their children to religious private schools. I was in Helena, Montana last month and testified that the regulations are inconsistent with legislative intent, and violate the United States Constitution. Now we want to h ...