Author: Joshua Thompson Last week PLF filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court in Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization v. Winn. This case marks the first time the Supreme Court will rule on an Establishment Clause challenge to a school choice program since its landmark decision in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris. Arizona Christan Schoo ...
Happy School Choice Week everyone. You can find my other two posts for this week here and here. I just learned that the Friedman Foundation has started a new blog and Twitter account, @EdChoice. Make sure to check those out, the Friedman Foundation is doing great work for school choice. With President Obama's State of the Union last night, ...
Our friends at the MacIver Institute report on the latest Wisconsin Student Assessment System results. Wisconsin, you may know, recently expanded its first-in-the-nation school choice program. What once only covered Milwaukee Public Schools was expanded to include Racine. Lo and behold, the choice schools are improving student performance muc ...
With students around the country returning to school, PLF thought it would be a good time to remind everybody of the benefits of school choice. To that end, all this week we will be celebrating Back to School Choice Week. School choice can mean many things, but broadly speaking, it is the idea that parents and students should have choices in how ...
When most people hear about school choice, they typically think about vouchers. Vouchers are basically a check that parents receive from the state that they can use to send their children to private schools. The check, or "voucher," can be used by parents to send their children to either sectarian or secular schools. The anti-choice educatio ...
We often get asked here at PLF why there isn't school choice in California. The answer I usually give is that Californians do have some choices in education. Californians, of course, have one of the most robust charter school laws in the country. Further, California law permits transfers from one public school district to another school dis ...
Happy Halloween, everyone! ...except to those unlucky students whose administrators have instead taken the position of "boo-humbug." As our friends at Reason explain, some overzealous school officials have gone Ebenezer Scrooge two months early, and waged a war on Halloween. Citing concerns ranging from peanut allergies to obesity, these schoo ...
This morning PLF submitted an amicus brief in the Colorado Supreme Court in Taxpayers for Public Education v. Douglas County School District. This case is being brought by a number of anti-school choice groups to prevent Douglas County from allowing students and their parents to choose the school that best suits their needs. PLF's brief argue ...
School choice is too important to only celebrate for one week in January, so three years ago PLF created Back to School Choice Week. Much like it's bigger brother Back to School Choice Week is designed to raise awareness of school choice. As children are headed back to school after the summer, we think it's an important time to remind people that ...