Even with a month to go, Pacific Legal Foundation is celebrating one of our most successful years ever in the nation’s courtrooms. This year, PLF’s litigation team has defeated Kentucky’s moving-business cartel, giving our client, Raleigh Bruner, the opportunity to keep his employees and trucks on the road, serving customers.
Through the efforts of our attorneys, clients and stalwart supporters, we’ve achieved favorable court rulings to strike down San Francisco’s costly and illegal tenant payment-mandate, and federal regulations for the Utah prairie dog that prevented homeowners, businesses, farmers and public officials from using and maintaining their property in normal, responsible ways. PLF attorneys secured victory for three sisters when the California Court of Appeal rejected the California Coastal Commission’s demands for an public access easement as a condition for granting a permit to make repairs to a farmhouse and barn.
I invite you to listen to this PLF podcast, hosted by PLF President Rob Rivett, with our analysis of these and other victories, which have made 2014 a year of rescuing liberty from coast to coast.