On Sunday morning, the Fox and Friends Weekend morning show on the Fox News Channel welcomed PLF client J.P. Krause, a rising senior at Vero Beach High School, as their guest. J.P., the young man who should serve as Vero Beach’s senior class president in the coming school year, will be on the show to discuss his high school’s controversial and unconstitutional decision to disqualify him from the class presidency after he won the election.
J.P.’s high school administration disqualified him after he won the race because he gave a First-Amendment protected, humorous campaign speech in his A.P. U.S. History classroom the day before the school held the election. You can see his 90-second speech here. J.P. said nothing worthy of a punishment; to the contrary, he engaged in pure political speech that the First Amendment protects. This public school could not lawfully punish him for the speech and the administrators’ decision to do so violates J.P.’s constitutional rights. You can read all about the situation here on our blog, or here and here in two excellent columns written by local TCPalm news columnist Larry Reisman, and you can watch a local television report about the case here.