[Past Event] Our Path Forward: Reviving America After a Year of Chaos

Date: January 29, 2020
Location: Virtual Via Zoom
Time: Past – Recording Available

Battleground America

2020 was a difficult year. Around the world, we saw governments buckle under the weight of a pandemic, and communities and institutions struggled to meet the demands of the crisis.

While government leaders sought to alleviate the ills of the pandemic, they frequently exacerbated the problem with arbitrary shutdowns and inconsistent restrictions. Instead of providing relief, the result was an increase in power for mayors, city councils, county health officials, and governors across the country.

Now, the end of the crisis is in sight and we must decide how we, as a country, want to go forward. What will be the legacy of this global crisis? Do we accept the shift in power from the people and democracy to bureaucrats, or do we decide to fight to restore the institutions, and the balance of power, that make American democracy unique?

Join PLF and other policy leaders from across the country for a discussion of policies that can help America recover, so we can come out of the COVID-19 crisis stronger than ever.

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