Law students and young lawyers who care about liberty, and believe in the principles that make our country a shining city upon a hill, take note: Pacific Legal Foundation wants you!
Pacific Legal Foundation’s College of Public Interest Law offers two-year litigation fellowships to graduates interested in rapidly gaining experience in major constitutional cases. The fellowships are open to all graduating individuals of demonstrated high achievement and offer an exceptional opportunity as a stepping stone to private practice, public agency law, an academic career, or a permanent place with Pacific Legal Foundation.
Applicants accepted for the College of Public Interest Law Fellowship will begin September, 2016. Fellows work in the Sacramento, California, headquarters of Pacific Legal Foundation, the largest and oldest national public interest law foundation litigating in support of private property rights, environmental balance, individual liberties, limited government, and the free enterprise system. Guided by experienced attorneys, each Fellow will take part in hands-on litigation, including lead attorney responsibilities in both trial level and appellate cases; and write publishable legal scholarship.
So what are you waiting for? Get busy applying. For more information, like where to send your application, click here.