[Past Event] – Agencies Run Amok: How Regulatory Agencies Acquire Power

Date: September 30, 2022
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Time: 1:00 p.m. EDT – 2:00 p.m. EDT

How did a family’s dream to build a modest home in Idaho turn into a defining moment for the rule of law across the nation?

This question is central to next month’s Supreme Court showdown in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency.

This 15-year-long saga—including two separate trips to the Supreme Court—is emblematic of an ever-growing power shift in American government from elected, accountable lawmakers in Congress, to untouchable, unaccountable rulemakers—and rulebreakers—in the executive branch.

To better understand this breakdown in the Constitution’s separation of powers, please join us for our webinar, Agencies Run Amok: How Regulatory Agencies Acquire Power.

Using Sackett II as a case study, our expert panel of administrative law attorneys will examine the rise of government agencies’ prowess in accumulating power without adequate scrutiny, why these power grabs are unconstitutional, and how to restore the proper balance of power.

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