The fundamental right to equal protection under the law is under threat in schools and other public institutions. Government actors have been requiring students, professors, and employees to sign “diversity, equity, and inclusion” pledges that affirm and promote specific beliefs and ideas that perpetuate stereotypes based on race and gender.
This violates not only our Fourteenth Amendment rights but also our First Amendment right to free speech.
Pacific Legal Foundation invites you to join us for our virtual panel as we discuss this issue and present our model policy, “Ending Racism in Public Institutions Act,” which can help put an end to stereotyping in public institutions in your state. You’ll also hear from PLF client Azadeh Khatibi, who filed a federal lawsuit challenging mandatory “implicit bias” training in medical education.
Jaimie Cavanaugh, Legal Policy Counsel, Pacific Legal Foundation (Moderator)
Kileen Lindgren, Legal Policy Manager, Pacific Legal Foundation
Glenn Roper, Attorney, Pacific Legal Foundation
Azadeh Khatibi, Plaintiff in Khatibi v. Hawkins