[Past Event] – The Future of the CDC Eviction Ban: What Recent Court Victories Mean for Landlords

Date: April 14, 2021
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Time: 2:00 p.m. EDT – 3:00 p.m. EDT

In the plethora of heavy-handed responses to COVID-19, eviction bans are among the most unjust. Perhaps the most egregious example came in September of 2020, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ordered that landlords nationwide cannot evict certain qualifying tenants for non-payment of rent.

There’s hope, however, thanks to recent rulings in several federal lawsuits, including a victory in Skyworks Ltd. v. Centers for Disease Control. In Skyworks Ltd. the court reined in the agency and set the stage to further restore in the Constitution’s Separation of Powers.

Join us on April 14 for a free, public virtual discussion with the Pacific Legal Foundation attorneys who litigated the case Skyworks Ltd. v. Centers for Disease Control. They’ll break down what the recent rulings mean for landlords and property owners going forward and the work still needed to challenge unconstitutional eviction moratoria.

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