Grateful for freedom

July 12, 2015 | By MARK MILLER

Fireworks over the Jersey shore July 4 weekend

I decided it was not too late to blog about the Fourth of July—despite it having passed a week ago—once I realized that an iconic American beauty of a rock band celebrated its demise 20 years after that band, you know, actually demised. You say 20 years late is okay, I say a week late is okay— let’s call it an even deal.

This past Independence Day, as that band played Chicago, many of my fellow liberty lovers may have had the U.S. blues. Just a few days earlier, as the eyes of the world watched, a majority of the Supreme Court of the United States, our country’s last line of guardians for the rule of law, appeared to give up on that rule and decide that words can have no fixed meaning when the fixed meaning is inconvenient for the ruler of men.

But you know Pacific Legal Foundation and thus you know differently. You know you can bet your last dollar on PLF. The rule of law will not fade away on our watch; rather, we will continue to fight in the courts on behalf of the little guy, and the small businesses that needs representation when no one else steps up for them.  In this way and through our court wins, PLF sees to it that liberty and freedom—and respect for the rule of law—ripple across the land. You can count on PLF to keep truckin‘ on behalf of the chimes of freedom until all its attorneys, and all the PLF team members, have more than a touch of grey in their hair.