Parents and students throughout the country do not want to be forced into failing government-run schools. Yet all-too-often, the public school monopoly prevents parents from exercising choice in where their child is educated. This is why it comes as sadly no surprise that nearly 1,000,000 students are on waiting lists in the United States to get into charter schools, and nearly one tenth of those students are on waiting lists here in California. Leading the way is, unsurprisingly, Los Angeles, with nearly 20,000 students on waiting lists.
It’s an unfortunate reality that teachers’ unions, school districts, and anti-choice activist groups will do anything in their power to prevent a little bit of competitition with the public school monopoly. Standing in their way, however, is PLF, which will continue to fight for parents and students in the hope that someday all parents will have choices in where their son or daughter is educated.
Hopefully next year that waiting list will be much smaller.