PLF events on Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky

February 17, 2018 | By WENCONG FA

On February 28, PLF will present oral argument in an important First Amendment case before the Supreme Court of the United States. In Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky, PLF is seeking to invalidate a broad Minnesota ban on voter apparel, and vindicate the right to free speech for all.

Over the next two weeks, PLF attorneys will be speaking about the case at multiple events. We hope you will join us.

On February 20, PLF’s Todd Gaziano will deliver remarks to the Heritage Foundation as part of a panel on the major First Amendment cases of this Supreme Court term. Todd will be joined by Jacob Huebert, Director of Litigation at the Liberty Justice Center; and Jordan Lorence, Senior Counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom.

On February 22, Wen Fa will participate in a panel discussion at Cato Institute with former Deputy Solicitor General Ginger Anders (who represents the government) and Cato’s Trevor Burrus.

On February 26, Wen Fa will speak to the America’s Future Foundation at Ireland’s Four Courts in Arlington, Virginia. Join Wen and other liberty-minded professionals after work and get an inside look on the case just two days before it is argued before the Supreme Court.

On February 27, Wen Fa will speak to the Federalist Society at Georgetown University Law Center.

On February 28, Heritage Foundation will host a post-argument reception. Come hear remarks about the argument from oral advocate Dave Breemer and lead client Andy Cilek.


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