Sam Chang joined PLF’s Sacramento office in March 2017. Sam directs the Information Technology department and has been entrusted to help architect the future of PLF’s network infrastructure.
Born and raised in Sacramento, CA. Sam studied Aeronautical Engineering at the University of California, Davis before entering into the Legal Technology field in 2005.
Microsoft and CompTIA+ certified, Sam has over 15 years of experience in the Information Technology field. Prior to joining Pacific Legal Foundation, Sam spent 8 years as the IT Manager at the law firm, Nelson & Kennard (Sacramento, CA.)
Having a desire to give his career a greater sense of purpose, Sam was drawn to PLF’s mission to defend individual liberty and private property.
Sam’s motto in life is simple, “to be completely dedicated in everything you do, while maintaining a work-life balance”.
Outside of PLF, you’ll find Sam chasing around his three boys or competing at a local poker tournament.