Proposition 209 is not going anywhere. Efforts by certain lawmakers to repeal California’s landmark constitutional amendment ended yesterday when the the amendment’s sponsors decided to table further voting. Students graduating in the next couple of years from California’s public high schools can rest assured that California ...
In one of the most outrageous claims I’ve seen in a while, two attorneys for the Asian Law Caucus argue that the Supreme Court should uphold Grutter, because overturning it would have a devastating effect on Asian-American students. Talk about chutpah! Of course the truth is exactly the opposite, more than any other racial group, … ...
Baylor Law School accidentally released admissions data on its incoming class. This data included all of the personal information that is normally kept confidential by law schools — LSAT score, GPA, addresses, and race/ethnicity. Accordingly, it was quite simple to see the scale of preferences that Baylor Law was granting to students of ...
The Volokh Conspiracy has the details. It’s sad that rampant and overt discrimination against Asian Americans is so commonplace today, that statements like this can go largely ignored. … ...
Author: Joshua Thompson Discrimination. Period. With respect to race, it means treating certain people differently because they have a certain favored or disfavored skin color. I am often dismayed by opponents of racial preferences (opponents of discrimination), or proponents of equality under the law, when they use the the term & ...