
Supreme Court won’t hear case challenging Obamacare’s “Platonic Guardians”

March 30, 2015 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

This morning, the Supreme Court declined to review the case challenging the constitutionality of the Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB. This is the group of unelected bureaucrats given authority to set Medicare reimbursement rates, whose "recommendations" automatically become law without any involvement by Congress, the President, or the ...


L.A. Times' Michael Hiltzik says Supreme Court should end IPAB

January 12, 2015 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

L.A. Times columnist Michael Hiltzik is an outspoken supporter of Obamacare. But in his Jan. 9 column, he agrees with PLF and our allies at the Goldwater Institute that the Independent Payment Advisory Board (the group of unaccountable "Platonic Guardians" that Obamacare puts in charge of the Medicare program) is just beyond the bounds of the Const ...


Opinion Journal TV : "Killing Obamacare’s ‘death panel’"

December 16, 2014 | By KATE POMEROY

Yesterday afternoon, PLF's Todd Gaziano joined Mary Kissel on The Wall Street Journal's Opinion Journal TV to talk about the bipartisan effort to rein in an unaccountable, and thus unconstitutional, government panel that can change almost anything "related to" Medicare.  PLF joined forces with over two dozen members of Congress, who it represe ...


PLF joins forces with members of Congress to fight Obamacare

December 04, 2014 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

This morning, we joined forces with over two dozen members of Congress to file a brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to take up a case challenging the constitutionality of the Independent Payment Advisory Board provision of Obamacare. IPAB is the group of "Platonic Guardians" that are empowered to regulate Medicare spending--a board of unelected, ...


"Tim the Lawyer" talks with A&G about PLF's victories for property rights & constitutional liberty

November 18, 2014 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

I joined our friends on the Armstrong & Getty Show this morning to talk about PLF's recent victories in the Utah prairie dog case and the SDS Family Trust case against the Coastal Commission, as well as our ongoing challenges to Obamacare. If you missed it, you can listen to the podcast here. ...


Ninth Circuit won't rule on the constitutionality of Obamacare's "Platonic Guardians"

August 07, 2014 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals this morning threw out the constitutional challenge to Obamacare's "Independent Payment Advisory Board"--the group of "Platonic Guardians" charged with writing laws relating to Medicare--on the grounds that case was brought too early. The Board's powers are invoked based on a certain economic formula, but because ...


FBN's John Stossel program features PLF's Timothy Sandefur

July 16, 2014 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

On Thursday's episode of Fox Business Network's Stossel Show, I and my wife Christina Sandefur join John Stossel for a discussion of Obamacare and the increasing power of administrative agencies and the executive branch of the federal government. It's a subject Christina and I wrote about for Regulation magazine some months ago, and which is at iss ...


Mounting the full Court press on Obamacare

June 26, 2014 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

What's the latest on our Obamacare litigation? I explain the newest developments in Sissel, Coons, and Hobby Lobby here. ...


The next big Obamacare case

May 19, 2014 | By TIMOTHY SANDEFUR

On June 10, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear the next big Obamacare lawsuit, Coons v. Geithner, which among other things challenges the constitutionality of the Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB. That's the board of "Platonic Guardians" that will set Medicare reimbursement rates—and which is immune from judicial, legislative ...