“The third-party doctrine enables government to gather rafts of information without first obtaining a warrant based on probable cause and particularized suspicion.”
"As the Supreme Court recently confirmed, the government commits an unconstitutional taking of private property when it retains more than is due from a tax foreclosure sale."
“The question presented is whether an eviction moratorium depriving property owners of the fundamental right to exclude nonpaying tenants effects a physical taking.”
“Property owners have a fundamental constitutional right to say “keep out,” and statutes authorizing third parties to enter private property without consent are presumptively takings, requiring both condemnation proceedings and the payment of just compensation.”
"The holding in Tyler is clear: when valuable property is taken to satisfy a less valuable tax debt, the former owner is entitled to just compensation for her equity interest in that property."
"When a regulation dedicates private property rights to public use, without just compensation, it is contrary to the Fifth Amendment and unconstitutional. But the court below did not see it that way."