An important step in the right direction


Author: Brandon Middleton

Today the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued a finding that the delisting of the valley elderberry longhorn beetle from the list of protected species under the Endangered Species Act may be warranted.  The Service's finding is a welcome (albeit overdue) response to Pacific Legal Foundation's Sept. 2010 petition for the agency to delist the beetle.

The next step is for the Service to fully effectuate its own scientists' recognition that the beetle has recovered and no longer requires ESA protection.  Rest assured that as the Service considers its next move and whether to finally and completely delist the species, PLF will be monitoring the agency to make sure that it complies with the appropriate deadlines and procedures, and that it understands the costs that outdated beetle regulations bring to PLF's clients and American taxpayers.

The Sacramento Bee's Matt Weiser has this story on today's finding.