Author: Brian T. Hodges
Seattle’s Crosscut blog is normally a good source for local environmental and land use news. But last week, Crosscut published a very strange diatribe ("Hallelujah to our new green faith") regaling the readers with reports of the birth of a new environmental religion. I would normally ignore such a vanity article, but I was drawn in by a subheading suggesting a new approach to environmental challenges. So I read on – despite the tortured attempt to shroud its bad prose in the guise of a sci-fi inspired, future historian. Ramble, ramble, ramble.
Then, just when I was about to give up, it got interesting. The article proclaimed that environmentalists need to adopt a new approach to environmentalism. They must manufacture a new "environmental language and litany," spread their gospel through social media, and use movies to turn school children into parishioners. The goal: to create new rules for living by engineering the world’s lifestyles and economies.
Blink, blink, blink.