Eminent Domain Reforms in 9 States; California Still Uncertain


It's 11 o'clock in the west, 2 in the east, and the results of property rights reform so far are as follows:

Arizona (Proposition 207) Yes 65.3% No 34.7% (95.4% of precincts reporting)
California (Proposition 90) — 50-50 right now (29% of precincts reporting)
Florida (Amendment 8) Yes 69% No 31% (98% of precincts reporting)
Georgia (Amendment 1) Yes 82.4% No 17.6% (96% precincts reporting)
Idaho (Proposition 2) No 76% Yes 24% (24% of precincts reporting)
Michigan (Proposition 4) Yes 80% No 20% (88% precincts reporting)
Nevada (Question 2) Yes 62% No 38% (64% of precincts reporting)
New Hampshire (Question 1) Yes 86% No 14% (97% precincts reporting) 
North Dakota (Measure 2) Yes 68% No 32% (98% of precincts reporting)
Oregon (Measure 39) Yes 67% No 33% (43% of precincts reporting)
South Carolina (Amendment 5) Yes 86% No 14% (97% of precincts reporting)
Washington (Initiative 933) No 56% Yes 44% (26% of precincts reporting)