The Supreme Court’s joint decision in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard/UNC made it clear: The Constitution forbids discrimination in college admissions.
But last summer’s landmark ruling hasn’t fully solved the problem of discrimination in education. Public institutions are using whatever tactics they can to bypass the ruling, such as substituting proxies for race to achieve the same discriminatory results.
Join Pacific Legal Foundation and our experienced panelists as we dig deeper into these challenges in primary and secondary education and walk through a legislative roadmap to end proxy discrimination in your state.
The discussion comes at an important time. The Supreme Court just declined to hear PLF’s case, Coalition for TJ v. Fairfax County School Board, where the Court would have decided whether school boards are going to be allowed to get away with racial balancing in public schools.
Individuals should be treated as individuals and not discriminated against because of their skin color, race, ethnicity, ancestry, or national origin. Help Pacific Legal Foundation fight to end proxy discrimination once and for all.
This is the second event in our four-part policy briefing series on equality and opportunity.