Judicial deference isn’t just a hot topic at the federal level. In fact, many states are leading a revolution against administrative deference doctrines. In recent years, at least six states have rejected deference through judicial rulings, two have done so through legislation or referendum, and still other states have taken skeptical intermediate or hybrid approaches to deference doctrines.
What are the effects of this quiet deference revolution? This September, Pacific Legal Foundation’s Center for the Separation of Powers and George Mason University’s Liberty & Law Center at the Antonin Scalia Law School are joining forces for a State Judicial Deference Research Roundtable addressing this question.
This event is invite-only. To submit a research proposal for inclusion at the roundtable, see our Call for Papers. To request an invitation to the seminar as a non-presenting participant, please email Rachel Swaffer (rswaffer@pacificlegal.org)
Paper proposals are due by February 15, 2021.