Florida 60-day notice editorial


An editorial published in yesterday's Newnan Times-Herald reflects upon Florida's notice of intent to sue the Army Corps of Engineers, which was discussed a few days ago at PLF on ESA:

Granted, Florida and Alabama think Georgia — and the Atlanta region in particular — has mishandled growth. While that argument may have some merit, it's clear the needs of people during a time of severe drought should be a priority over fish.

When the states of Florida or Alabama get ravaged by storms and hurricanes, their needs get priority. Others pitch in to help meet those needs. Georgia's current drought situation may not seem as destructive as hurricanes, but it is taking a toll. The state's water needs should be a priority.

As Georgia Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle said, "I find it unconscionable that the state of Florida would choose to elevate the water needs of the bankclimber and fat threeridge mussel over the needs of millions of human beings in Georgia."