Friends of the Court Briefs in Missouri Eminent Domain Case


by Timothy Sandefur

Thanks to the Institute for Justice, the Missouri Ombudsman for Eminent Domain, and the National Federation of Independent Business for their "friend of the court" briefs filed in support of property owners Homer and Julie Tourkakis. The Show-Me Institute also filed a brief, which you can read here. The Pacific Legal Foundation is representing the Tourkakises before the Missouri Supreme Court. Here is a backgrounder with more information on that case.

Interestingly, the City of Arnold agreed to allow the National Federation of Independent Business, the Show-Me Institute, and the Institute for Justice to file their briefs, but they have objected to the participation of the Ombudsman for Eminent Domain.

The Ombudsman for Eminent Domain is an official appointed by the governor of Missouri to investigate and oversee the abuse of eminent domain in the state. Anthony Martin, the current Ombudsman, is a powerful voice for property rights, and the City does itself little good by trying to bar a person that Governor Matt Blunt specifically chose for this role from voicing his opinion in this case.