Author: Timothy Sandefur
I’m writing this from the city council chambers in Gendale, where the city’s Redevelopment Agency was supposed to start a meeting at 9. The meeting is still delayed because, once the developer and city officials saw the large crowd, he asked to meet with the hotel’s owner, Ray Patel, to try to reach a compromise of some sort. They’re in a room now, talking; no news on how that’s going.
Meanwhile, the Glendale News Press has a story on this morning’s protest. I’ll have pictures up as soon as I get to a computer and can upload them.
Update: Columnist Gary Huerta has an excellent piece here about the case.
Update (10:41 a.m.): Mr. Patel has returned and the meeting has started. More shortly.
The City, at Mr. Patel’s and Mr. Caruso’s joint request, has continued the matter for a week.