The best places for news on the Obamacare cases (other than PLF Liberty Blog, of course) are:
ACA Litigation Blog—law professor Brad Joondeph has put together all of the briefs in all of the cases (quite a feat!) and keeps us all up to date with the latest legal news.
SCOTUS Blog—always a fantastic, timely source on the Supreme Court’s movements, SCOTUS Blog will likely be the best place to go for instant news on the justices’ moves when the cases are argued.
The Wall Street Journal’s Health Blog—covers all sorts of health care news, including the PPACA cases.
Health Care At The High Court—Bloomberg News has created this new blog to cover the cases as the High Court hearing approaches.
Health Care Lawsuits—not always timely updated, but a good source of information, particularly on some of the lesser-known PPACA lawsuits.
HealthLawProfBlog—discusses various aspects of health care law, including the PPACA cases.
And, bizarrely, the New York Times shut down its Prescriptions blog, specifically devoted to Obamacare, only a month before the Supreme Court hearing.